How can I Cancel a Deal after signing Form F?
Question: This is regarding form F that I signed to buy a property in Dubai. Although the form says that the property is freehold, later I understood that it is a leasehold for 99 years. I don’t want to go ahead with this deal because I want to buy freehold property. How can I cancel the deal?
Answer: Cancelling form F is fairly straightforward and can be done through the Dubai REST app. However, there are legal implications to consider beforehand. I suggest you read the sales contract carefully to avoid any legal obligations you may encounter in cancelling Form F.
Obviously, if you feel you were misled into buying what is a leasehold property, it will add to your case for cancellation. However, it can also be problematic if the other party doesn’t agree to cancel as there could be penalties to pay. The key is arriving at a mutual agreement to cancel, the rest is easy. I’m sure the real estate broker you are dealing with can help further on how to do it through the REST App.