A New Approach to Real Estate Investing has Started

A New Approach to Real Estate Investing has Started

Investing in real estate has traditionally required a large amount of money and involved a long process of finding suitable deals, arranging financing, and dealing with legal processes before completing the purchase.

You can invest in Dubai real estate just as easily as buying stocks and shares online.

Changes in Laws and Regulations in Dubai along with improvements in technology have finally made it just as easy for individual investors to buy shares of income generating properties as it is to buy shares of a publicly traded company through a mobile app.  Companies registered with Dubai Financial Services Authority Centre are providing online platforms for purchasing shares in rental properties.

These are the steps carried out by one of the registered Crowd Funding companies in Dubai.

Smooth Exit Process

There is no lock-in period. Although a holding period 5 years is recommended, investors are free to exit the property at any point in time.

You have two options: calling in a vote amongst your fellow investors to sell the property on the market or listing your shares on our secondary market for others to purchase.

Examples of Fully Funded / Sold Properties

If you would like more information then please fill the Form below.

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